MindTime & Personality Models

There are two ways to understand people. Either observe their behaviors and categorize them into traits, or understand the governing principles behind all behaviors. MindTime describes the WHY, the deepest motivating drivers behind behaviors. Typically, personality models describe WHAT people do, their behaviors.

The often confusing world of personality traits

Nearly all personality type tests such as OCEAN, DiSC*, and MBTI*, use a number of observable behavioral traits to describe a person’s personality. OCEAN (also known as Big 5), for example, uses opennessconscientiousnessextraversion; agreeableness; and neuroticism. There are hundreds of such personality traits to choose from, very few of which have any meaningful predictive value. In the world of these trait-based models, there is no true framework or overarching theory of differences, just a lot of descriptions of behaviors (traits).

However, MindTime changes the game. It is a scientifically validated theory that explains WHY people behave the way they do and as such MindTime provides powerful predictive insight into why we are the way we are.

DiSC® is a registered trademark of John Wiley & Sons, Inc. or its affiliated companies. * Myers-Briggs is a trademark or registered trademark of The Myers & Briggs Foundation. 

The origins of all behavior

There are three fundamental priorities that drive the behavior of every sentient being. These priorities act as the filters we perceive through, the mechanisms behind how thoughts are shaped, the drivers of what motivates us at the most fundamental level, and the origins of why we behave the way we do. MindTime is highly predictive because it measures these motivating forces in each person, the origins of behaviors, rather than the behaviors as described by traits.

Unlike personality models, and far beyond their capabilities, MindTime can describe individuals, team cultures, and organizations as thinking systems all within one common framework and language.

MindTime is an a priori theory, backed by over two decades of rigorous scientific research, that offers a framework for understanding the underlying forces shaping our individual differences. In psychology, these differences are often referred to as personality traits, which help describe and explain the unique patterns of behavior and thought that define each person’s personality.

To read some of our research and peer-reviewed articles into the relationship between the MindTime framework and individual traits (including the Big 5). MindTime is highly parsimonious with findings in individual trait-based research, findings in neuropsychology, and cultural sciences.