We are MindTime Digital
Our mission is to redefine how we understand people across all industries and applications.
We know from 25 years of research, that there is a much richer and more fruitful way to engage, communicate, collaborate, lead, build trust and understand customers and consumers than is currently the norm across all industries. We use this ‘new’ approach to understand the relationship between people and content, be it AdWords, landing pages, course design, PR communications, or pretty much anything else. As a team, we have over 75 person years of experience doing exactly what we are doing. In many ways, this is our art form.
MindTime Digital B.V. is based in the Netherlands with a global team and is responsible for securing and managing all licensing of MindTime digital tools (AI-API-SDK).
Six principles we follow
Data, whether about individuals or groups, can be misused. We are committed to exercising the highest level of caution when licensing our API or AI to third parties. If there is any doubt, our default response is no—especially in sensitive areas like natural language processing (NLP) and machine learning.
We are committed to recognizing and respecting the sovereignty and inherent value of every individual. Our larger mission is to help people better understand one another. Every management decision we make is guided by our vision and a deep sense of social responsibility.
Many industries can and already do benefit from integrating MindTime into their offerings. We believe that licensing our API and AI to drive new innovations is essential to our mission, and we actively invite collaborative partnerships to explore new possibilities.
We are committed to ensuring that cost is never a barrier to accessing our tools, especially for individuals and organizations in education. When affordability is a concern, we will work directly with institutions to find a viable solution.
We are committed to operating openly and transparently as a business. We recognize that we’re part of a larger ecosystem and that our mission requires us to connect widely and inclusively with people. This is our unwavering stance.
Since MindTime’s founding in 2004, we have always enabled people to discover their Thinking Style without disclosing their identity or providing any personal information. We place the utmost value on privacy, and TimeStyles allow individuals to be understood without revealing any personally identifiable data.